When you have people over to enjoy a warm, sunny day, you want to have plenty of activities to make it one to remember. In addition to grilling some burgers and enjoying a few drinks, there are many backyard games for adults that’ll entertain your entire group. Rediscover the childhood joy of playing outside with your friends.

 Below are some of our recommendations for the best backyard games for adults. There are so many to choose from, from remakes of classic favorites, to games you’ll want to bring to your next tailgate. Read below to see some of the top yard games for grown-ups!


You’ve probably seen Cornhole in breweries and tailgates across America, or even played it yourself before. It’s one of the most popular outdoor activities for adults, so it’s worth having. The concept is simple: toss a bean bag towards a hole in a wooden plank. It’s simple to play, slow-paced, and can entertain up to 4 people. It’s an easy going game perfect for adults hosting a tailgate, having a backyard bash, or just hanging out for a barbecue. It can also be enjoyed by kids once the grown-ups aren’t using it. These are just a few of the reasons Corngole is at the top of our most popular outdoor games for adults.

Giant Jenga

The classic game of Jenga has been around for years, popular in breweries and game nights across America. But this time, instead of a miniature tower made of small, wooden blocks, Jenga is an impressive, life-sized structure.

A 5-foot-tall Jenga tower is much more high-stakes than the usual game, and makes it enjoyable for more people to watch. While a few people are playing, the large tower is so attention-grabbing that others will probably gather around as well! Everyone will get a kick out of the inevitable collapse of this oversized game. Giant Jenga is ideal as a backyard game for adults since it’s too large to enjoy inside, and young kids may not be able to reach the top of the tower.

Kan Jam

Kan Jam is a hugely popular outdoor game played by people across the country. It’s become a staple for backyard parties and tailgates everywhere. Kan Jam is a simple concept and incredibly easy to set up. Two cans, with Frisbee-sized slots near the top, are set up across from one another, and each team attempts to get their Frisbee in the can. Only 4 parts provide endless fun.

It’s an exciting accomplishment when you finally get the Frisbee into the slot, or when you knock your competitor’s Frisbee from the air! Hone your throwing skills and strike up a lively competition by playing Kan Jam with friends. It’s a great outdoor game for adults, but guests of all ages can enjoy it as well. You can even get a glow-in-the-dark Kan Jam set for when all the backyard activities go into the night. Give Kan Jam a try at your next outdoor get-together!

Ladder Toss

This backyard game is perfect for adults, as it may not be as fast-paced and entertaining for kids. The adult crowd will enjoy the simple, straightforward game that actually takes some strategy! This can be a good thing, since Ladder Toss presents a challenge you want to stick with until you perfect it.

The game is simple: players toss bolas (two balls attached by a rope) towards a hip-height frame with three rungs. The goal is to have your bolas wrap around the rung of the most points. You can even make your own ladder toss game for your outdoor get-togethers. The ladder could be made of PVC piping, and the bolas are simply two golf balls on either end of a rope. With that, you have all the equipment you need for this classic backyard game.

Frisbee Tic-Tac-Toe

Frisbees are a versatile addition to have as an outdoor game for all ages. A Frisbee can be used for many different backyard activities, which makes it a worthy purchase. One of the entertaining outdoor activities you can play with a Frisbee is Tic-Tac-Toe. It’s a unique, DIY spin on a usually small scale game played when bored or waiting for an extended period of time. On the other hand Frisbee tic-tac-toe is a bigger, better, more entertaining game that brings more challenges than just strategy. All you need to create this perfect backyard game is a tarp and some painter’s tape. Not only do you have to strategize like in normal tic-tac-toe, but you have to make sure your Frisbee lands in the spot you’re gunning for! This is a unique backyard game for adults to enjoy while sipping on a drink on a sunny day.

Flip Cup

While this may technically be a “drinking game” popular at college parties, it can still be an exciting, lively outdoor game for adults. All you need is a long table (preferably one that’s easy to wipe off!) and plastic cups. It’s perfect for a party that’s mostly adults. It’s fast-paced, gets people cheering, and it doesn’t hurt that everyone’s enjoying a drink!

 These are some of the best backyard games for adults, and there are so many more to choose from! Outdoor activities are a must-have for summertime, especially when you’re having a get-together. Many of these games can be created on your own, or switched up and personalized to reflect your interests and skills. Let us know what some of the other best outdoor games you’ve played as an adult that everyone should have at their next get-together!