One of the best forms of play is to swing high in the air on a warm summer’s day. The following information details how to choose custom built swing sets for a custom outdoor playset. We are always eager to answer your questions about including custom built swing sets into your child’s play area at home. The following questions and recommendations should help answer some of your questions.

1. What type of medium should I place under custom built swings in a custom outdoor playset design?

We recommend that you use the following surface materials:

  • Rubber mulch
  • Pea gravel
  • Sand
  • Wood chips

2. What is the best material to use for a custom swingset?

What you choose is up to you, as you can select from custom wooden swingsets, a custom metal swingset, or custom built swingsets in vinyl. We are happy to help you choose a material, based on your landscape, architecture, and budget.

3. How should I choose the area for a custom swingset?

We suggest that take the following steps when selecting a site for one of our custom built swingsets:

  • Inspect the proposed site for any underground components, such as gas lines or sprinklers.
  • Make sure the area is not close to tree branches, roof overhangs, or power lines.
  • Allow for six feet of open space in any direction from your custom outdoor playset and swings.
  • Include protective surfacing, such as rubber mulch or sand, in front and behind the custom built swingsets in the playset design.

Also, this is important to remember: When the frame for your custom outdoor playset is made from metal, place the structure out of the direct line of the sun. Face custom built swing sets north, if possible.

4. What do I need to know about the materials used for custom built swing sets?

We are always eager to provide solutions when choosing materials. Therefore, we have bullet-listed the differences when choosing custom wooden swing sets, metal custom built swing sets, and swingsets made of vinyl.

  • Custom wooden swing sets are both beautiful and attractive. However, they must be regularly maintained. Cedar is normally a good choice if you are on a budget. While pine is more expensive, it stands up to climate extremes. Redwood is a pleasing choice, but will cost you more than cedar or pine.
  • Metal custom outdoor playset designs are simpler to maintain than wood, and last a long time, provided they are powder-coated. The powder coating protects against corrosion and rust.
  • Vinyl custom built swing sets feature vinyl cladding over a wood or metal frame. The vinyl is an easy-care solution, as you only need to clean it with the garden hose. Unlike wood, the material does not have to be sealed and stained.

What you choose in a material will be based on how the playset and swings will blend with your landscape and your home’s design.

5. What features are important in custom built swing sets?

We are happy to advise you on this part of the selection and installation process, as it will help you make future replacements or upgrades to your custom outdoor playset design. Following are some helpful tips.

  • Select a custom outdoor playset design that features recessed hardware, or corners that are capped or rounded for safety.
  • Choose custom built swing sets that feature solid base posts and beams.
  • Select a custom swingset with your child’s growth in mind. Modular sets allow for expansion or replacement of components of a playset’s design.
 Keeping the above points in mind will help you customize a playset with swings that can be used and enjoyed for a long time.