Video games pose stiff competition to outdoor playtime, and unless you have a kid-friendly yard, you will have a hard time convincing your kids to go out and play. Unfortunately, you must get your kids to play outside so that you can have that online meeting, presentation, or finish up and submit a job.

You should not fret however as I have researched on some fantastic outdoor games that they are bound to enjoy come what may with instructions on what is required and how to keep things safe. The following are the three best outdoor yard games for kids.


Hopscotch is the easiest and cheapest yard game you can introduce to your kids. The only resources required are chalk to draw the squares on the ground, and a medium-sized rock perfect for tossing into the squares. Start by drawing squares, as mentioned before, with the chalk on the ground or any other marker. The kids will play the game by tossing the rock on square one. They then hop over the rock with a single foot and push it to the next square to the end and back this time, stopping at square two.

The fun in the game comes when they have to balance with a single foot while still on square two, collect the rock on square one and hop over the first square to start all over again. Any kid who tosses the rock with their foot on the wrong square loses.

What are the Safety Precautions for Hopscotch?

The only known and vital precaution is to ensure that the rock they use is not too big to cause an accident. It should be sizable enough to push with a single foot quickly.

Jumping Rope

This was one of the best games, especially for girls, when I was growing up and still is. The best thing about jumping rope is that any kid can play by themselves, but it's more fun with a couple of friends and a long rope.

Have two kids hold each end of the rope and rotate the rope either side. The third kid then tries to get to the middle and skip rope without tripping. Kids could play this game the whole without taking a break. That’s how much fun it is.

Hide and Seek

This is the most common of all outdoor yard games for kids in existence. The game's trick is to have a couple of players and excellent but safe hiding spots within the compound. Hide and seek entails one player counting to a certain number as the rest try to find ideal spots around the compound to hide.

Once the kid counting is done, he or she embarks on trying to seek the hiding players. However, the number of players needs to be moderate; otherwise, the kid counting for the friends to hide will quickly get tired.

What are the Safety Precautions to Put in Place?

The only issue with this kid’s pleaser is that you can never be sure what happens when hiding. Since you cannot stop kids from being curious and experimental is to ensure that you get rid of all sharps, flammable and toxic substances around the yard.


The only way you can contain your kids within the compound peacefully or get them to play outside is to set up a kid-friendly yard. Use these fantastic outdoor yard games for kids to make this possible.